Computer Science Research Paper Topics

Every aspect of human life has come to be defined by computers. We apply the technology to make our lives easier and achieve new frontiers of possibilities. So advanced is the field that new areas of study are hatched each day. As such, students receive assignments that demand them to explore a particular field in computer science and present their findings in a research paper.

The good news is, we will get you past the first hurdle of the paper. This will be through a list of ideas and pro tips on how to search computer science topics on your own successfully.

Pro Tips on How to Select the Best Computer Science Research Paper Topic?

The first step to getting good topics is understanding the scope of your assignment. Be sure you are in a capacity to manage the topic. In addition, if you determine that the subject lacks or has limited backing resources, it would be wise to consider another one.

It’s always recommended settling for a computer science topic that is interesting to research on. There are so many sub-disciplines in computer science that you can brainstorm for topic ideas. Besides, the technology used in the field of study is applied in other branches of science including robotics, biology, space exploration, geology, etc.

Perform background information on the few topics you are considering. Consequently, limit the scope of the topic further if you find it fit. Since a broad topic is practically unmanageable, you will have to narrow it down to enable a more fruitful research approach.

With a topic in hand, it is time to develop questions that your paper will address. Ask yourself questions like what, where, who, when, and why regarding the computer science topic. Moreover, the question will lead you to create keywords useful in subsequent research. Finally, write a thesis statement that is typically the answer to your research questions.

Great List of Computer Science Research Paper Topics That Inspire

Make note that this area of study is ever changing and hence new topic ideas are the norm. Besides that, you are spoilt for choice from a wide variety of topic possibilities. Although you may not be in a position to tackle all them, we have selected the most relevant ideas as seen below that you can consider writing about in your paper:

  • Algorithms and complexity
  • Embedded systems
  • Use of computer assistance in support services
  • Physical limits of computation and communication
  • Application of mathematical models in art
  • The relation between virtual reality and human perception
  • How can we enhance human-computer interactions?
  • Key benefits of an open source software
  • Computer viruses: security risks and solutions
  • Prevent and mitigation of the denial-of-service attack
  • Future of search engine algorithms
  • How useful is SCRUM in agile software development?
  • Challenges and potential of biometric systems
  • Enhancement of ATM and bank security
  • Computers and robotics in future
  • The future of networking and distributed systems
  • Encrypting and decrypting of data
  • Prospects of quantum computers.
  • Impact of wearable technology
  • The evolution of torrents in data sharing
  • The possible changes of the Internet in future
  • Artificial Intelligence and machine learning
  • Computer graphics and visualization
  • Databases: architecture and management
  • Cloud storages: benefits and drawbacks
  • Controlling data mining on public systems
  • Future computer architecture
  • Neural networks and deep learning
  • Role of big data analysis in business
  • Programming languages and systems
  • Concepts behind medical informatics
  • Role of ethical hackers
  • Biomedical informatics and computational biology
  • Digital network security in protecting private information
  • Automated and reasoning robots

Excellent Computer Science Research Paper Questions

If you are looking for a topic question in computer science, you will appreciate our examples as listed below. The list may be short, but, we have so many ideas that can be derived from this specialised field of study. Check the questions below and if possible borrow some concepts that will get you started with your research paper:

  • Why are there so much programming languages?
  • What will be the impact of Blockchain?
  • What’s the concern with artificial intelligence?
  • What are the extremes of human dependence on technology?
  • Will machine learning be a groundbreaking technology in the future?
  • What is the impact of virtual reality?
  • How safe is cloud computing?
  • What is the relationship between time travel and computer science?
  • Can computers effectively assist in the sequencing of human genes?
  • Is their harm in tracing lost pets with microchips?

Brilliant Computer Science Research Paper Ideas to Consider

Generally, to get a great topic, pick a compelling issue that will give you an opportunity to be highly informative and objective in your paper. You will notice that most of topics are broad. Again, another downside is the limited details on the Internet due to the fast-changing and specialised aspect of this discipline. However, with the constant availability of fresh ideas, you will soon realise how to locate the hidden gems in computer science easily. Perhaps, you might consider subscribing to hi-tech computer news feeds to get the latest innovation ideas from the area of study

We hope that our post has been helpful for you to learn how to hunt for topic ideas. If our list of topic examples were not sufficient to assist you to write a perfect research paper, consider requesting the help of our professional writers. Our professional research paper writers team adept in the field of computers science and would be glad to tackle the paper on your behalf. Let us take the burden of research and writing the pierce. You can expect to receive the finest quality paper at a friendly price in return. Not only do we assure top scores, but you will also avoid the academic pitfalls of submitting a below-average paper. Want a professionally-written piece that will make others envy you? Order for a research paper now and score high!